Monday, January 16, 2017

The Idea of One's Personality From Social Media

Image result for social media insurance
Various social media services on computer keys
On social media, our profiles, posts, likes, shares, mentions and replies all hold a key to our personality. It might not the physical version of you, as you may behave differently in real life environments. For me personally, I love to establish myself on a platform where it is neatly (or sometimes messily) laid out for everyone to see. This helps me because I am very shy and I am not initially upfront with someone about who I am. So, with the heavy influence of social media on today's society, there is definitely an ability to distinguish ourselves on the internet as beings (or slaves) of who we would like to possibly see ourselves as in reality.

A poster design
According to the document "Predicting Personality with Social Media" from the University of Maryland, it perfectly lays out the groundwork in expressing our mental capacities and the abilities of many social medias that we are attracted to every single day. Many indicators such as the "About Me" page can be considered huge goldmines for both the people looking at them and the websites collecting information. These profiles can be beneficial for establishing connections between various traits, and has been shown to be successful in maintaining both personal and professional relationships. Unless it's something about wanting an Arby's chicken sandwich all of the time... or constant dead memes... but hey! It's still valuable.

The evolution of our profiles and blogs alike can be a symbol of change in terms of fluctuation in aesthetics. From time to time, we dislike things that we start to obsess over, and begin our journeys into newfound interests that we never imagined of. For example, I went from an extremely serious Beatles stan to a more personally-established artist who finds joy in scrolling through poster and graphic design, as well as outfit ideas. It's kind of like going through an emo phase, but on social media.

If you're excellent at keeping a solid aesthetic, you could possibly become an important member of the business community. On, it states that you can do this through many highly-trafficked websites and services. As long as you are being unique and can withstand your status for a long period of time, you're in for a potentially long and successful career!

Our social media presence can mean many things when it comes to eventual personal and business relationships. It can show us our true(or fake) selves, as well as become something that might just be the rest of your life... how about that for a post?

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